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Council replaces library board member, sparking debate over qualifications

The St. Joseph County Library Board establishes policies, procedures, and governance of the St. Joseph County Public Library System.

The St. Joseph County Common Council voted 5-4 Tuesday night to replace Ann Rosen with Rhonda Richards on the county library board, a decision that has sparked controversy over qualifications and political influence.

The vote split along party lines, with Republican council members supporting Richards, who was nominated by Councilman Randy Figg. Democratic members, including Councilwoman Diana Hess, opposed the replacement, citing concerns over Richards’ qualifications.

In her letter of interest, Richards, a long-time community volunteer, emphasized her extensive involvement in local organizations such as 4-H, youth ministries, and homeschool groups. She also mentioned her professional experience as a tax preparer and office manager but did not provide any background in library services, education, or child development.

Hess criticized the council's decision, pointing out that Rosen, who served on the board for years, had qualifications that far exceeded Richards’. “Anne Rosen’s qualifications... run circles around Mrs. Richards,” Hess said. “She doesn’t list any educational background.”

Hess also raised concerns that Richards’ nomination was driven more by ideology than competency. “I think she is being nominated primarily as an ideological choice, not a competency choice,” Hess said. “And we’re seeing that from the president on down.”

Councilman Rafael Morton expressed surprise by the vote.

“I have never in my 32 years of being on the Saint Joseph County Council," Morton said, "seen the outpouring of support for any board member in any organization that we've ever had to appoint members, and the County Council chose not to go with that particular person. In this case Ann Rosen.”

Richards’ nomination comes amid rising tensions over library issues. Councilwoman Drake has been an outspoken critic of certain library materials, fueling speculation that Richards’ appointment reflects an ideological shift in the library's governance.

Mike Murrell joined the WVPE family in August of 2024. Mike is beginning his second career in journalism and broadcasting, since retiring from the Army after 20 years of service. Mike is originally from Dayton, Ohio, but calls Elkhart his home.