Alastair Willis, Music Director of the South Bend Symphony Orchestra, tells us how Robert Schumann overcame adversity, composing himself out of darkness and despair into light and celebration with his Symphony No. 2. And how American composer Anthony DiLorenzo underscores Alice’s journey through the looking glass back to Wonderland in "Jabberwocky." And we get some insights into Samuel Barber’s beloved violin concerto from violinist Dylana Jenson.
WVPE partners with the South Bend Symphony for the podcast series, "Aha! with Alastair," featuring South Bend Symphony Orchestra Music Director Alastair Willis. In each episode, Maestro Willis discusses pieces the symphony is slated to perform in upcoming concerts."When I was younger, several inspiring conductors helped make music come alive for me, music suddenly became more than scales and black and white notes on the page," says Willis, "and since then one of my favorite things to do is return the favor for others, whether in concert, pre-concert talks, or podcasts!"The title refers to Alastair's "aha" moments about music that he wants to share with listeners.
Aha with Alastair: DiLorenzo, Barber, Schumann