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WVPE is your gateway to green and sustainable resources in Michiana. Sustainability is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This is accomplished by finding a balance between businesses, the environment, and our society (people, planet, and profit).State, National and International resources on sustainability include:The Environmental Protection AgencyThe Natural StepSustainability Dictionary45 Sustainability Resources You Need to Know Explore ways to support sustainability in the Michiana area through the Green Links Directory.Sept. 17, 2019 from 2-3:30pm"Global Warming: A Hot Topic"Sept. 17, 19, 24, and 26All sessions are from 2-3:30pmGreencroft Goshen Community Center in the Jennings Auditorium1820 Greencroft Blvd.Goshen, IN 46526The event will look at possible solutions and suffering as well as consequences beyond warmer weather. The event will examine what other civilizations have or haven’t done when faced with environmental problems. Plus there will be an exploration of the biggest unknown in the climate system: What will the humans do? Paul Meyer Reimer teaches physics, math and climate change at Goshen College. The events are presented by the Lifelong Learning Institute. The Institute can be reached at: (574) 536-8244lifelonglearning@live.com

2018 Was Earth's Fourth-Hottest Year On Record, Scientists Say

Once again, the world was unusually hot in 2018. In fact, on average it was the fourth-hottest year around the planet since modern record-keeping began in 1880.

If a warming planet were an Olympic sport, fourth wouldn't make the podium. But consider the context: The hottest five years on record are, in fact, the last five years. The year 2016, which was 1.69 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th-century average, holds the top spot, with 2018 at 1.42 degrees F warmer.

Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist at NASA, says the message is clear: "The planet is warming. The long-term trends are extremely robust. There's no question." And the cause is clear too, he adds: "It's because of the increases in the greenhouse gases that we put into the atmosphere over the last 100 years."

The climate report is an annual summary of research compiled by scientists from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The data are derived from both land-based and satellite monitoring, which Schmidt says is more accurate than ever.

Americans escaped the worst of it last year though; while the rest of the planet cooked, the U.S. experienced only its 14th-warmest year. We can thank the Midwest for that; it was cooler than average, while other regions were warmer.

But the U.S. did get soaked in 2018, says Deke Arndt, a climate scientist with NOAA.

Arndt says 2018 "was an exclamation point, I think, on a trend that we're seeing toward more big rain, particularly in the eastern United States."

In fact, 2018 was the wettest year in the last 35 years. Climate scientists say that the higher rainfall is largely due to warming oceans, which cause more evaporation that in turn leads to more rain.

Indeed, the U.S. now has a new record for a single 24-hour downpour: On the Hawaiian island of Kauai from April 14 to 15, it rained 49.69 inches — about six inches higher than the previous record, set in Texas in 1979.

It was also an expensive year for natural disasters. The government's climate assessment lists all the natural disasters that incurred at least $1 billion in losses. Last year was well above average, with 14 catastrophes in the U.S. that reached or surpassed the billion-dollar mark. These included two Atlantic hurricanes, Michael and Florence, several heavy rain events and unprecedented fires in the West.

As for this year, January looked to have turned things around as the polar vortex swept down from the Arctic and encased the Midwest and parts of the Northeast in ice, snow and subfreezing temperatures. But it was short-lived, and the rest of the country has been unusually warm, which has kept the national average well above normal for January.

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Christopher Joyce is a correspondent on the science desk at NPR. His stories can be heard on all of NPR's news programs, including NPR's Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and Weekend Edition.