Tim Jagielo
In response to the shortage, teams are traveling to hospitals to provide simulated training experiences for emergency medical staff.
OB Deserts — counties without prenatal care — are increasing in part, to abortion bans that discourage obstetricians from practicing in anti abortion states for fear of lawsuit; lack of patient volume is another cause
At hospitals lacking dedicated maternal and infant care workers, Deaconess Health System’s Simulation Team educates emergency medical staff in the basics of childbirth as ‘OB Deserts’ become more common
Full Time state employees under executive branch agencies could pay for no tuition fees or books
The state's TIP line offers up to $500 for successful poaching reports all year round.
H5N1 has been found in Dubois and Marion Counties ; can transfer from wild waterfowl to domestic poultry facilities without precaution.
Online workshop sessions teach the art of playwriting in safe setting, where sharing about past trauma and emotional struggles garnered in service can arise.
Indiana DNR is hosting Indiana Archaeology Month for 27th year; seeks to shed light on unique, ancient civilizations
Touted as largest pro-life banquet in country, group pivots to change 'hearts and minds' about abortion
21st Century Scholars assists qualified students with college preparation and financial assistance, but only half of these students apply.