Public Inspection Files
Federal Communication Commission [FCC] Public Files:
The FCC requires all stations to maintain a public inspection file. While in the past these documents were kept at individual stations, the FCC now requires this information be posted at the FCC's website. View WVPE's file here.
Please note that the FCC granted the latest license renewal application for WVPE(FM) on July 16, 2020.
The WVPE license is now valid through August 1, 2028.
You can view documentation of that below.

If you need assistance to view WVPE's file, contact Station Manager Anthony Hunt at WVPE, 2424 California Road, Elkhart, IN 46514 or 888-399-9873 or Questions relating to FCC accessibility should be directed to the FCC at 888-225-5322 (TTY-888-835-5322) or
The Communications Act requires that CPB support diverse non-commercial education content for unserved and underserved audiences. CPB's goal, therefore, is to support stations in providing a wide variety of educational, informational, and cultural content that addresses the following elements of diversity: gender, age, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, national origin, and economic status. WVPE should engage in such practices to reflect such diversity. WVPE supports that objective as the station complies with our licensee, Elkhart Community Schools, whose complete policy about Diversity linked here. The first section is restated below:
"The Elkhart Community Schools [and WVPE] has a commitment to attracting and retaining a teaching, administrative, and support staff representative of the diversity existing in the communities we serve. This commitment reflects the belief of the Board of School Trustees that diversity among our personnel -- in such areas as gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, physical abilities, and veterans status -- is an asset to the community we serve. The ECS' goal is to promote diversity in all aspects of the District's employment practices including recruiting, retention strategies, training and education, advancement opportunities, social and working environment, and community involvement..."
Corporation for Public Broadcasting [CPB] Station Activity Report:
The CPB requires WVPE show its public service record and recent budgets below.