The proposed ordinance requires solar farm developers to obtain a special use zoning permit. That's a public process involving hearings and notice.
The southwest Michigan plant was rumored to be set for the loan last month. The plant could come online in late 2025.
The Palisades Nuclear Plant was reported by Bloomberg News to be on the verge of getting the loan from the U.S. Department of Energy.
It now goes back to the state House to consider changes made to the bill.
Michigan Saves, a "green bank" program, hopes to get part of $27 billion offered by the U.S. EPA for energy efficiency in homes and buildings.
It now moves to the state Senate for consideration.
The bill cuts the amount of power utilities can buy from the grid during peak demand in half. That means they’d have to show they can generate about 85 percent of their energy themselves or from contracts with other companies.
Lower-income residents who struggle with utility bills were more likely to take on debt, go without food or medicine, or keep warm by opening their ovens and running space heaters at night — which could be dangerous.
Several Indiana electric and gas utilities have asked the state’s permission to make big, temporary rate increases to adjust for the higher cost of fuel due to market disruptions from the war in Ukraine and the pandemic.
There were several bills proposed in this year's legislative session that had to do with energy and the environment in Indiana.