Mishawaka High School has moved to an e-learning day for the third day in a row due to a threat against the school.The school was also on e-learning days…
Mishawaka High School has moved to an e-learning day for the second day in a row due to a threat against the school.The school was also on an e-learning…
Mishawaka High School has moved to an e-learning day due to a threat against the school.In a post on the district’s Facebook page, the district says it…
Mishawaka school officials have announced that a threat to the high school is not credible. The high school was put on e-learning for today after the…
Mishawaka High School's long-time tradition of hosting the Al Smith Invitational wrestling event will not happen this season due to COVID-19. (You can…
Mishawaka High School presented the board of trustees Wednesday night with a new plan they’ve been using to discourage students from vaping.The new…
Mishawaka Schools hosted a series of workshops for educators from across Northern Indiana yesterday to discuss best practices to nurture the “Whole…