An Indiana medical employer internally announced that it will free all current and future doctors from non-compete agreements. This step goes well beyond the new partial non-compete ban in state law, which hasn't taken effect yet.
A rosy revenue forecast provides lawmakers with the numbers needed to finalize the budget. The House approves a watered-down physician non-compete bill. And teachers protest over a bill targeting bargaining rights.
Indiana House lawmakers passed their version of a bill Monday to restrict non-compete agreements on physicians. But some lawmakers say they preferred the original version of the bill, which fully banned such agreements.
Senate Bill 7, which would ban employers from placing physicians under new non-compete agreements, left committee last month in uncertain waters. But it ultimately passed the full Senate Tuesday with the ban fully intact.
A House committee advances legislation to bring down the cost of new housing. A Senate committee approves a ban on physician non-compete agreements. And a bill to better treat mental health in the criminal justice system takes its first step.
A bill prohibiting new physician non-compete agreements passed the Senate Health and Provider Services committee Wednesday with nine voting for and three against. Indiana has a shortage of physicians and an unusually high cost of care compared to other states.
Indiana lawmakers are set to consider a bill that would prohibit new non-compete agreements for physicians this session. At the same time, the Federal Trade Commission is considering implementing a new rule banning all non-competes across all industries, nationwide.