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Goshen College Holds A Series Of Fall Online Events, Including The Yoder Public Affairs Lecture

Photo courtesy of Goshen College

WVPE invites you to a series of virtual events hosted online by Goshen College.

Tuesday, September 29th at 7:30pm a roundtable conversation will focus on “Community Networks and Successful Global Public Health.”  

Three 2020 Goshen College alumni award-winners, Franklin Baer, Rebecca Shetler Fast and Paul Shetler Fast, will speak during a virtual roundtable exploring the significance of local partners in accomplishing the work of public health both at home and abroad, covering both basic primary healthcare and public mental health work starting from grassroots work with communities adapted to local cultures and contexts.

There will be two offerings for the Yoder Public Affairs Lecture.  Thursday, October 1st at 7:30 there’s a webinar entitled “Decolonizing ‘Culture for Service’: A New Paradigm for Impact in the Developing World.”

Shashi Buluswar, CEO of the Institute for Transformative Technologies (ITT), and the chief architect of the largest electrification and natural sanitation infrastructures in the world, will present this virtual lecture. Buluswar is a 1990 Goshen College graduate and a recipient of Goshen College’s 2020 Culture for Service Alumni Award.

And on Wednesday, October 14th at 7:30 there’s a virtual  “Presidential Election Preview: What Voters Need to Know." 

Dr. Elizabeth Bennion, professor of political science, director of the American Democracy Project at Indiana University South Bend and host of WNIT’s Politically Speaking television show, will present this lecture.

She will discuss the issues on voters’ minds, candidates’ stances on those issues and how factors like partisanship, negative partisanship, political ideology and candidate image will determine voter choices and election outcomes in the 2020 presidential election.

All these events are open to the public. Learn more here. 

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