Mishawaka High School has moved to an e-learning day for the third day in a row due to a threat against the school.The school was also on e-learning days…
Mishawaka High School has moved to an e-learning day for the second day in a row due to a threat against the school.The school was also on an e-learning…
Mishawaka High School has moved to an e-learning day due to a threat against the school.In a post on the district’s Facebook page, the district says it…
Darden Elementary School will return to full virtual instruction until winter break. (You can read the full letter from Principal Patty Karban to Darden…
The South Bend Community School Corporation approved a return to an in-person learning option at its board meeting Monday night. All schools will phase in…
In a virtual board meeting Wednesday night, South Bend school leaders introduced plans to return to in-person learning. Chief Academic Officer Brandon…
NEW:Today the Superintendent of the Elkhart Community School system confirmed that the district has its first cast of COVID-19.Read the superintendent's…