Supporters of the restart say historic levels of federal and state subsidies, and a committed customer for the next 30 years, should mean better financial results for Palisades' second act.
They sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Energy on Thursday, which received a grant application from the Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen (MachH2) to create the hub.
The clean energy group Climate Power says Michigan will see thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in clean tech jobs.
Jobs in sectors like energy efficiency, renewables, and clean fuels grew by nearly 7 percent in Indiana. That's up from 2020, where the state lost 3 percent of its clean energy workforce.
The former Michigan governor toured a battery plant in Midland and a solar energy business in nearby Hemlock.
U.S. Senate Democrats have proposed a clean energy standard that calls for getting the country’s electricity from sources that don’t emit — or can capture…
Last month, Indiana lost nearly 3 percent of its clean energy workforce — likely due to the pandemic. That’s according to the latest Clean Jobs America…