The new year will bring an automatic pay increase to minimum wage workers in Michigan, and it may not be the final minimum wage boost of 2024. Michigan’s new minimum wage increases from $10.10 an hour to $10.33 an hour —with smaller boosts for tipped workers, minors and new employees during a 90-day training period.
The Michigan Supreme Court has agreed to hear a major case involving changes to the minimum wage and sick leave, and the power of lawmakers to interfere with the results of petition drives. The court’s decision could put more money in the pockets of low-wage workers, especially in the restaurant industry.
Current pay for juries in Indiana are equivalent to less than the minimum wage, court officials say, making it hard to get enough jurors. Indiana is close to creating a law that would double juror compensation, making them some of the highest paid in the nation.
Michigan's minimum wage could increase twice in 2023. The first increase is certain. The second is still the subject of a court battle.
After restoring a law raising Michigan’s minimum wage to $12 an hour, the state Court of Claims is delaying the effects of the decision.
The University of Notre Dame announced major wage increases Thursday for faculty, staff and student workers.
The Michigan Court of Claims is being asked to delay enforcing decisions to boost the state’s minimum wage and require employers to provide earned sick leave. That’s after the court ruled the Legislature violated the state constitution.
Graduate students at Purdue University are hoping that worker strikes at Indiana University will help build momentum for their own efforts to institute a living wage on campus.
Following an investigation, the U.S. Department of Labor is requiring New Hope Services in Jeffersonville to pay back a total of $154,443 to 74 workers with disabilities.
One Indiana organization decided this year to stop paying workers with physical and developmental disabilities less than minimum wage. A certification…