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Mishawaka approves expansion of downtown DORA

Mishawaka's Buetter Park is within the city's DORA.
Mike Murrell
Mishawaka's Buetter Park is within the city's DORA.

Mishawaka’s City Council voted Monday night to approve the expansion of the Downtown Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA), allowing people to drink outdoors in a larger portion of the downtown area.

Matthew Lentsch, Mishawaka’s Director of Development and Governmental Affairs, presented the proposal with one key modification: the DORA will not extend past the north side of Lincolnway West. This change addressed concerns from Councilman Woody Emmons.

“I still had concern about crossing Lincolnway,” Emmons said. “And by changing the outline of the DORA, I can vote in favor of this proposed ordinance.”

Councilman Matt Mammolenti also voiced his support for the expansion after learning that Mishawaka Police Chief Alex Arendt had reviewed and approved the proposed boundaries, which eased some of his safety concerns.

“I find comfort in the chief’s recommendation, but I will still remain cautious,” Mammolenti said. “The curve, southbound on Main Street, does give me some concern.”

The amendment passed with a unanimous 8-0 vote.

Mike Murrell joined the WVPE family in August of 2024. Mike is beginning his second career in journalism and broadcasting, since retiring from the Army after 20 years of service. Mike is originally from Dayton, Ohio, but calls Elkhart his home.