An official with the St. Joseph County Courts confirms a special prosecutor has been named in the investigation into the June 16th shooting death of Eric Logan by South Bend officer Ryan O'Neill.
Richard Hertel of Ripley County, Indiana will head up the case.
Hertel has been a prosecutor in Ripley County since 1988.
You can learn more about him here:
The St. Joseph County Prosecuting Attorney has requested a Special Prosecutor to investigate the June 16th officer-involved shooting of Eric Logan.
Following the announcement, a spokesperson for South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg issued this statement:
“I respect and support Prosecutor Cotter’s decision to seek an outside, special prosecutor to investigate the circumstances of Eric Logan’s death. Our community is in anguish, and for all of us to come to terms with what happened, it is vital that the investigation be fair, thorough, and impartial.”
Here are the documents just released: