Elkhart County is asking for volunteers to make face masks and gowns and for people to help operate its COVID-19 information phone bank.
Face masks and gowns are becoming more and more limited for healthcare workers.
Elkhart County is trying to counter the shortage by asking people to make some while at home.
Jennifer Tobey is the Elkhart County Emergency Management Director. She said they’ll accept any homemade version of personal protective equipment (PPE.)
“Our feeling is that something is better than nothing, so we don’t have any specifications.”
Tobey said this is a response to people posting on Facebook asking to help.
“It’s genuinely born inside of us to help. These are ways we’ve found they can one, protect themself, but two, help us at the same time.”
People can drop off masks and gowns at the Elkhart County 4H Fair Office, 11746 County Rd 34, Goshen (24 hrs a day) and the Elkhart Police Department, 175 Waterfall Dr, Elkhart (7-10 pm).
The County is also looking for volunteers to man a phone bank where callers can get answers about COVID-19.
Contact Michelle.Miller@elkhartpolice.org with any questions.
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