Hoosiers can now find COVID-19 vaccine sites with the new booster on the state’s online map, found at OurShot.IN.gov.
The latest booster includes both the original strain of the virus and two of the most recent strains, currently responsible for the majority of U.S. infections.
Things are different from when the first wave of the original vaccine and its boosters came through. There won’t be an all-out push from public health agencies to get people vaccinated through mass vaccination clinics. And shots are still free for now, but that could change early next year.
As the federal government begins the process of authorizing more COVID-19 vaccine boosters, local health care organizations are making preparations to get those shots out to Hoosiers.
Hoosier children as young as six months old are now eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, and some parents are preparing to vaccinate the youngest members of their families.
The Indiana Department of Health announced Tuesday COVID-19 vaccines are now available for Hoosiers as young as 6 months old. The agency said shipments of the vaccines will continue to arrive this week.
The state health department has pre-ordered tens of thousands of doses that should be arriving early next week.
The Indiana Department of Health announced Friday Hoosiers 5 to 11 years old may now receive a COVID-19 booster shot.
The last time so few Indiana counties were in the “blue” was nine months ago in June 2021.
The Senate passed the controversial COVID-19 vaccine employer mandate bill Tuesday, though it’s significantly less restrictive than the original House version.